Posts Tagged ‘newborns’
The 5 D's: What Results from Stress
An overstressed body due to the constant stress of the 3T’s leads to the 5 D’s. Yes, these are kind of scientific, but once simplified they are so easy to understand. The first process that happens is Dys-kinesia. Dys-kinesia means there is a lack of motion in the joint(s) of the spine, to a point…
Read MoreRyno Active: Local Park Workout in Peoria, AZ
Training your body to function at its best is hard work. We all have our own personal health goals in mind when we go for our daily workout. I like to focus on the health goals I have set for myself when I workout. Remember, everything is a thought before it is an action. You…
Read MoreDoes Health Insurance Get, Make, or Keep you Healthy? Part 2 of a 3 Part Series
In part 2 of the 3 part series,I believe the question really comes down to, what does insurance pay for? Is insurance paying for the things that allow you to be as healthy as you can be, to go from surviving to thriving, from ordinary to extraordinary health? What are some of those things that…
Read MoreWhen Should My Child First Visit the Chiropractor?
Children, like adults, should visit the Chiropractor regularly. In all likelihood the newborn will have met the Chiropractor many times before even being born. Healthy and happy babies start with healthy and happy mothers. Healthy and happy mothers receive Chiropractic care before, during, and after pregnancy. Our children are our most prized possessions. Expecting mothers…
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