All of 2016 is now in the past. It’s time to look forward to 2017. 2016 was a great year for Ryno Family Chiropractic. We focused on congruent growth in order to provide for a better opportunity for the Ryno Family to create a foundation to health through Chiropractic care. In 2017 we look to continue this while adding more efficiency to our office. This will allow us to be able to care for more people with life changing Chiropractic care. We look forward to seeing you in the office and telling all of your friends and family! Hopefully you have had some time during this holiday season in order to prepare for your 2017 and make it as successful as possible. One way to prepare for this is to brainstorm about your goals and make sure you write them down!
Goals are one of those tricky things to do. It’s important to get them written, have a timeline associated with them, and have action steps in order to ensure there success. So few people have written goals and it’s one thing (of many) that sets congruent, successful, and disciplined people apart from those who try the ‘New Year Resolution’ route. If you would like to step your game up even more I challenge you to think ahead 3, 9, 27, and 40 years to see what you would like to accomplish in life and start setting yourself up mentally for future success.
There are good and bad ways to write goals. I will give you a good and bad example on weight loss, because that is one area of health people like to focus on.
Bad: I will lose weight in 2017. This goal has no measurable number or a concrete end date.
Goal: I will have a body composition of 10% by December 30, 2017. This is good because it has a measurable number and a finish date. It’s also good to have accessory goals in order to accomplish the main goal. Examples of this couple be: I will work out 4 days per week every week of the year. I will measure my body composition every quarter in order to see my progress. I will join a gym and do at least one workout class per week.
As you know, goals are great, but are worth NOTHING unless you take action to accomplish them. There are people who like to keep their goals to themselves and accomplish them best that way. On the other hand, I find it very helpful to have accountability partners. This is 1 or more people who you trust and know who will always be honest with you. You need this person/these people on your side because there will be times during the year where you will not feel like taking action. They will encourage you and ultimately you will learn to be more disciplined in your actions so you can become a more successful person.
Take your time, sit in peace, and look within at what’s important for you in the coming year(s). Start by mentally preparing for the future, then take action in order to accomplish everything you ever wanted.
From the Ryno Family to your family, keep Charging Towards Health!