Low level laser therapy is a form of light therapy that is designed to decrease pain and speed up recovery/healing times. It is a great addition to the Chiropractic adjustment and they are often performed on the same visit. The laser is used on adults as well as kids. Typically the most common settings used on the laser is inflammation, acute & chronic pain, pre- & post- operative (surgery), ear infections, constipation, and immune. Please contact the office for any specific questions about the low level laser therapy.
For Adults:
With adults it is most commonly used for pain. Neck, shoulders, mid back, low back are the most common, but if there is a specific sports injury or motor vehicle injury we can target almost any area of the body. Some unique uses in adults include ringing in the ears, constipation, numbness in the arms/legs, and even congestion.
For Kids:
With kids it is most commonly used to keep kids healthy. We use the laser on the head to calm the brain and induce healing potentials, use it on the postoperative setting after kids have a tongue/lip revision, but also on all the young athletes to help with injuries or recovery.
Low Level Laser Therapy
Erchonia uses low level lasers in the visible light spectrum. The primary mechanism for the absorption of visible light photons is the elevation of electrons to higher energy levels. This is known as molecular excitement and can be explained deeper through visible/ UV Spectroscopy.
Visible light photons match the energy volt (eV) or frequency between the orbits of electrons to move the electron to a higher state (excite). It is in this excited state that chemical reactions of molecules occur. One of the most important chemical reactions is when photons of visible light energy strike certain atoms, that energy may push an electron to a higher energy level where it can be picked up by an electron acceptor. The electron transport chain uses the high-energy electrons to convert ADP into ATP. The electron transport chain (ETC) is the primary source of ATP production in the body and is vital for life!
Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT), also known as or Cold Laser Therapy, is a non-invasive, pain-free treatment utilizing specific wavelengths of light to stimulate cellular activity and promote natural healing processes. Erchonia’s state-of-the-art LLLT devices deliver targeted, low-intensity laser beams to the affected tissue, enhancing cell metabolism, reducing inflammation, and accelerating tissue repair. Widely used for pain management, wound healing, and various musculoskeletal conditions, Erchonia’s LLLT offers a safe, effective, and drug-free solution for patients seeking relief and improved quality of life.
Frequently Asked Questions
How does Low-Level Laser (3LT®) work?
The laser infuses the cells with energy (ATP). This results in three primary reactions: reduction of inflammation, increased cell function, and increased blood flow. The result of which is reduced pain, reduced edema, and promotes healing.
How long does it take for the laser to heal or improve a condition?
Each treatment is around 5 minutes. Often we recommend laser for at least the first 10-15 visits. You may start seeing progress immediately.
What’s the difference between Lasers vs. LED?
Erchonia 3LT® devices used electric diodes, which are high end, culminated and strictly measured within a plus/minus .05%. LEDs are inexpensive, non-focused wide range light sources. The primary difference is in performance and depth of penetration. Laser diodes penetrate, working subcutaneously, LEDs do not affecting the surface only.
What is laser used for most commonly in the office?
In kids: ear infections, constipation, congestion, and after a tongue/lip revision. In adults: pain, brain, and ringing of the ears.
How much does laser cost?
Our laser cash rate is $15. you can buy a package as well if you would like.