When families exercise together and when they eat well together they get the best results. The same can be said for Chiropractic. Proactive healing is best achieved with others. Think of it like a triangle; one corner is diet, the second is mental health, the third is physical health, and the middle of that triangle is Chiropractic, creating the foundation for you to enhance all 3 corners of the triune (triangle) of life!
Frequently Asked Questions
How old do you have to be to get adjusted?
Quite often we adjust newborns in their first week of life. There really isn’t a specific age per say, but we encourage kids to get checked as soon as mom and dad are ready to make the trip to the office.
Can you be too old for Chiropractic?
Age is not a limiting factor at all. There may be more precautions taken such as xray to make sure the spine can handle an adjustment, or the use of a gentler Chiropractic technique. Almost daily there are patients in the office over the young age of 85.
Since you take care of all age groups is there different Chiropractic techniques used?
Yes, a handful of different techniques are used to make sure we can provide care and results to all age demographics.