4th Trimester of Pregnancy! Spine & Pelvis

You did it! Chiropractic care became the foundation to your health throughout your pregnancy and you were able to have an amazing, beautiful birth! Just as important as prenatal care, is postnatal care. Your body most definitely changed during pregnancy! It took 9 months, but it happened. Your body had time to adapt to a growing belly. It had time to adapt to weight shifting forward as the belly grew outward. It had time to change as your little one began to descend and get in position for birth. What took 9 months to happen was over in a matter of hours.

In my eyes, your body just ran the longest marathon ever to develop a baby. Then to top it all off, you decided it was a great idea to do an all-out sprint 1 more mile when you went into labor. Yes, your body went from 1 extreme to another. Yes, a tremendous amount of change, of physical stress that your body just went through. Yes, it’s a great idea to receive Chiropractic care after all of that. And we haven’t even talked about all the interesting things that your body will experience during the next couple months (sleeping in weird positions, holding your little one, breastfeeding, physically getting a car seat in and out of a car). And we haven’t even talked about the awesome care your newborn will receive as a Ryno Kid.

At Ryno Family Chiropractic in Peoria, AZ we make sure to provide Chiropractic care for our Ryno Moms from pregnancy to the fourth trimester and beyond. As you have probably guessed we focus on the area of the low back, pelvis, and sacrum. We also have to remember that the nervous system is in control of the healing of the body, so we will check the rest of the spine for nerve obstruction, subluxation, to make sure your entire body has the best chance to heal. It’s fantastic when the body begins to return to pre-pregnancy form so let’s make sure it’s in the best position to heal.

From the Ryno Family to your family, keep Charging Towards Health!

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