The 5 D's: What Results from Stress

An overstressed body due to the constant stress of the 3T’s leads to the 5 D’s. Yes, these are kind of scientific, but once simplified they are so easy to understand.

The first process that happens is Dys-kinesia. Dys-kinesia means there is a lack of motion in the joint(s) of the spine, to a point where they become fixated. The rest of the “D” happen from there.

Dys-afferentation means the body is unable to understand and organize all the information coming into it, aka sensory afferent information. Think of this as your senses not working at their best and it being disorganized information going into the brain.

Dys-autonomia means the automatic systems of the body such as the immune system, digestive system, circulatory, endocrine, etc. do not function at their best. This is dealing with the autonomic nervous system, sounds like Chiropractic to me!

Dys-ponesis means the outward expressions coming from the brain are working improperly. Think of this as all the action things you do.

The end result is a Dys-connected brain and body. This brain-body and body-brain disconnect is what ends up being all the “symptoms” that people experience. Specifically, some of the major issues we see is with kids diagnosed with neuro-developmental disorders such as autism, ADHD, and sensory processing disorder. If we here at Ryno Family Chiropractic can explain that complicated process that easily, imagine how we can help!

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