The Basics of Chiropractic- The Nervous System

Most people only think to go to a Chiropractor when they have neck or low back pain. Ryno Family Chiropractic is here for much more than that. The Chiropractic profession is based on 4 important principles that influence our outlook of care. Let’s take a look:

  1. The body is a self-healing, self-regulating, and self-adapting system. In other words, the best Doctor is the one already inside of you.
  2. The Nervous System is the master control system of the body. It was the very first system to develop. It perceives the environment around you and allows you to express yourself. Nick-named the “Air Traffic Controller” it controls everything you do whether you think about it (walking, digging in the garden) or not (immune system function, heart beating, digesting food, breathing).
  3. When there is interference to the nervous system you are no longer able to experience and express life to your fullest. This interference is found within the spine and is known simply as a Vertebral Subluxation. Subluxations result because of stresses in life, whether it be physical (trauma), chemical (toxin), or mental (thoughts).
  4. A Chiropractor is the only one highly trained to detect, analyze, and correct the Vertebral Subluxation of the spine. Allowing the nervous system, the master control system, to return to proper function over time and maintain that function for life.

These 4 principles are thought provoking and inspiring. What can you incorporate into you and your families or friends life to make sure the body is functioning at its best all the time? Regular Chiropractic care is the place to start! Contact Ryno Family Chiropractic today and start Charging Towards Health. (623) 432-2543.

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