Car accidents do not discriminate! A car accident can happen to anyone, anywhere, and at any time. In some cases, the accident can be scarier than others. It could be that the accident occurred at high speeds instead of a slow speed fender bender. Just as well, you could have been hit by a very large vehicle instead of a little hybrid car. Another circumstance that may not immediately come to mind, but is of great importance, could include if you are in a car accident and pregnant or not.
The question is, if you are pregnant and in a car accident are you even able to receive Chiropractic care? The answer to that quite simply is yes. In fact, Ryno Family Chiropractic loves and specializes in expecting mother care and would be happy to give a free car accident evaluation following an accident. Dr. Ryan is Webster Certified which provides a gentle all encompassing chiropractic experience safe for the expecting mother and child. Click the link to learn more about the Webster Technique.
Some expecting mothers think they may not be able to get Chiropractic care following a car accident, which is not entirely true. Any body type, especially expecting mothers, will experience the physical trauma, stress, and arguably even to a greater extent. The first stop following an accident should be by the recommendation of the emergency personnel, but after the dust has settled, make sure to get in for your Chiropractic appointment for further evaluation.
Ryno Family Chiropractic looks forward to providing care for you during your pregnancy and beyond. So, if you happen to be an expecting mother and have the unfortunate event of being in a car accident, give Ryno Family Chiropractic a call, and see if Chiropractic care is just what you need to have an excellent recovery and birth process!