Chiropractic in the Classroom: North Peoria

I have 6 wonderful nieces, but I recently had one of them ask if she could write about Chiropractic for her biology article. “Uncle Ryan, is what you do considered biology?” I asked her if she learns about the systems of the body such as the nervous system, skeletal, immune, digestive, and endocrine systems in her biology class. “Uh, yeah, of course we do!” Well, that is perfect because Chiropractic has the potential to affect all those systems. As a matter of fact I deal directly with the most important part of the skeletal system, the spine! Now, my niece is a curious girl and she wanted to know a little more, “then how are you working with all those other systems of the body?”

I always have the most fun when working with kids because they are so curious and not afraid to ask questions. Being located right in the heart of North Peoria there are quite a few opportunities to talk about Chiropractic with kids in school. I look forward to having the opportunity to give talks at all the schools here in North Peoria.

With the inquisitive look on her face, I went ahead and explained to her that the spine has a very close connection with the spinal cord and nervous system. The spinal cord is so delicate that it needs the spine to protect it. I asked her, “Do you know how your heart beats, lungs breath, immune system, and digestive system work without you even thinking about it all day?” She ended up guessing right, “The nervous system?!?!?!” “It sure is awesome that your brain and all the parts of your body talk to each other all day everyday so you can go about doing gymnastics and having fun.”  Smarty pants, of course, had another question, “So why do I need you to adjust me?” It is actually one of my most favorite questions to get, with quite an easy explanation. “When people have stress in their lives the body has to adapt. When stress hits an overload, the spine becomes subluxated and that interferes with how the nervous system works and how healthy you are. I’m here to adjust those areas of the spine so your nervous system works at its best, and you stay at healthy as you possibly can.”

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