Colic: Affecting Baby and Family

Have you been to the MD/Pediatrician before and they told you your little one has a diagnosis of colic? What the Doctor is really saying is “We have no idea why your baby won’t stop crying”. More often than not you walk out of the office more frustrated than when you walked in! It is determined that an infant has colic when they cry for 3 or more hours per day, for 3 or more days per week and for 3 weeks or more. As a parent, does it really matter what name the doctor wants to give it? In all reality, the big concern is why is my baby in distress and what can I do.

We can look a 3 different factors:

  1. What’s your baby’s diet like? In the best case scenario he/she is consuming only mom’s breast milk. This is the best, most nutritious, most congruent, and sustainable diet option because their bodies are programmed to grow and develop at their best when consuming breast milk. Next best case would be a raw milk based homemade formula. Store bought commercial baby formulas, fruit juice, and soy milk can all create unhappy digestive systems and result in a crying baby. Avoid these at all cost.
  2. What is Mom’s diet like? Since mom is nursing, she needs to keep a healthy diet as well. Mom’s milk passes along the proper nutrients to their babies. It can only be as nutritious as the foods she is consuming. This means eating nutrient dense, organic foods are the best option while avoiding all soy products, food additives, coloring, preservatives and any other toxins ie medication, alcohol, nicotine, vaccines etc.
  3. Is your baby’s nervous system, their master system, functioning appropriately? The birth process is the first major physical stress your baby goes through. No matter how natural, during delivery your baby’s delicate nervous system can become disrupted. By disrupted I mean your baby is overstimulated and cannot figure out how to relax. The brain communicates with the body, but when this communication is irritated, the only way for babies to communicate their distress is through crying. Studies show Chiropractic’s effectiveness in caring for babies with colic. As you all know, subluxations in the spine limit the body’s ability to self-heal and self-regulate. Imagine being an infant and not being able to heal. We would be crying too! Colic is something that does not have to be a part of the childhood experience. If your baby is exhibiting signs of colic, give us a call and we’d be more than happy to check your child for subluxations. When babies get more rest, so do mom and dad! Always Charging Towards Health!
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