We have a health shift happening in our society. More and more people are taking their health and the health of their family to the next level. At the very foundation of this shift is the resources they use to get their health information. Who do they look to as the health professionals in their life? Who are they directing their health questions to? What types of answers are they receiving?
Whether you realize it or not there are 2 types of Doctors in your life. On one hand you have the health, wellness, proactive, educating, life enhancing doctor. On the other hand you have the emergency, crisis care, life saving doctor. Both of these doctors are great and a vital piece to your medical team, but it is important to know who to use in what situation.
If this doesn’t make sense yet let me give you some examples. If you were out on a mountain bike ride and crashed and broke your leg where is the very first place you would visit? If it was me I would visit the ER! They would do everything to make sure extensive internal damage was assessed and have your leg put into a cast. This is your emergency, crisis care doctor who you love so much, but don’t want to see very often. Have one of them on your team because they may save your life one day!
Another example is your general doctor when you get older. They can do your physical, just don’t let them inject anything into you…that is not health and likely dangerous! Pediatricians, on the other hand, I would stay away from completely unless it is a holistic pediatrician (only personal opinion). Why not take health advice from these doctors? This is because they look at the body as though there is something wrong with it. It’s lacking in some way and needs to be chemically induced. This is a terrible outlook because we all know that drugs only lead to side effects that need more drugs, a scary downward spiral. Think about this too, they make money when you are sick, you think they care if you actually take care of yourself?
In my personal opinion the best doctor to have in your corner is a health and wellness doctor. They tend to look at the body as though it has the potential to heal itself. Whether going through a health challenge or kicking your health up another notch, this is an empowering view of the body. These health professionals have the knowledge and resources to further the health of your body. More and more families are turning to these doctors as their primary care doctors because they allow them to live a much healthier life. Less sickness, better understanding of the body, health knowledge, resources, and results make you want to see these doctors consistently. This is the approach we have at Ryno Family Chiropractic. We want to be the first person you think of when you become pregnant, deliver your child, have a cold, get a headache, want to take your exercise routine to the next level.
When you make the decision to live life around a health and wellness doctor, like a Chiropractor, your life becomes exponentially better!
From the Ryno Family to your family, keep Charging Towards Health!