Lower Body Exercises Part 2: Intermediate Exercises for Low Back Pain

Video Transcription

Hi, everybody, Dr. Ryan here. Today, we’ll be covering your second set of lower body exercises. We’re going to be going over pelvic tucks, dead bugs, and a three-way hip exercise.

Let’s get into it.

Pelvic Tucks

This first exercise that we’re going to show is a simple but effective exercise. It’s called pelvic tucks. So, we’re going to have Caitlin lay on her back with her knees up there. In this relaxed position, you’re going to have a little bit of gap in that low back. From this point, we want to push that belly button into the floor and flatten that low back out and then relax, and engage the core again, and relax, and that there is your pelvic tuck exercise.

Dead Bugs

The next exercise we’re going to show is called dead bugs. So, we’ll have Caitlynn lay on her back. Arms are going to come up, hands pretty much right over shoulders, and knees right over hips. From this position, we’re going to engage that core as we did with the last exercise, pushing the belly button into the ground. Then we’re going to have the right hand, and left foot goes out and come back, and then we’re going to switch, left hand, right foot, and back up, and that is your dead bug exercises.

3-Way Hip Exercise

All right, so this last exercise we are going to show you here today is a three-way hip stretch. Our goal is to get a stretch going forward at about a 45-degree angle and a 90-degree angle. A couple of things to remember, keep a really good posture, and we’re going to kind of keep our shoulders as square or forward as possible the whole time. So, first things first, toe up in the back, and we are going to reach out with that front foot and lean into this stretch forward. You’ll feel a stretch on the back side of this leg or the front side of this leg. The next thing we’re going to do is come out of that, go to about 45 degrees, keep these shoulders facing forward, and stretch into that one there, and this last one is a little more difficult. Try to get as 90 degrees as you can, straight to the side. Keep those shoulders forward, and lean into that stretch there, and that is your three-way hip stretch.

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