Superman Banana: Primitive Reflex Exercise Superman Banana

Video Transcription

Hi everybody, Dr. Ryan here. Today we have the best-named exercise of all of them that we give out. It’s called Superman Banana. We’re going to have Kaitlin demonstrate this exercise here.

She’s going to start on her belly, arms out, legs out. And she is going to lift her arms and legs off the ground. She’s really just trying to balance her core there. And she’s going to come out of that position, and roll all the way over to her right, lift the arms and legs off the ground again.

And if our child doesn’t have the core strength to do that, there is a modification for this part. And this is where we just tuck up into that position there and cross the arms.

Then come out of that position again and roll back onto the belly. Perfect. That is our Superman Banana exercise.

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