What It’s Like to Be Married to a Chiropractor while being pregnant?

Being pregnant has been an awesome experience and having dad be a chiropractor is the icing on the cake, or an analogy more up my alley is like the peanut butter on the apple.

Right now, we have 5 weeks until the actual due date but whenever Baby Wilk wants to join us will be the perfect time. It will be Dr. Ryan and my first baby and we are extremely excited for this next step! Throughout my pregnancy, I’ve gotten adjusted about every week. The Webster Technique, which is the specific chiropractic adjustments for pregnant moms, helps relieve any tension or pull in my uterus.   This type of adjustment allows our baby to be in the best possible position for birth and it feels super great for me (mom) too! Getting adjusted each time is also removing any subluxations and makes sure my nervous system is functioning at its optimum which then only positively affects our growing baby!

Being married to a chiropractor who specializes with pregnancy, gives me access to some fantastic things like the pregnancy pillows! It’s something so simple and so great! They are square pillows with cut outs in the middle for my growing belly. I can choose from one or two to lay on my stomach with on the chiropractic table. It is tough to lay on my stomach so the pillows help with being able to lay safely horizontal. And I may or may not have taken a little power nap the last time I was at the office and was laying on them 😉

Speaking of having access to some fantastic things, Jessi, Ryno Family’s massage therapist (same name and spelling as mine!) is trained in prenatal massages and her massages are exceptional! I’ve gotten a prenatal massage almost every month of my pregnancy. She has the nice belly pillows for me and I know after Baby Wilk is born, I will still get my monthly massages because they are the best and I think all moms deserve and need them!

Outside of the office, it is quite nice when we are at home and I need an adjustment. While I’ve been pregnant, my upper back tends to get tight before bed so it’s very convenient to have my chiropractor hubby at home in this type of situation! He knows how mom’s bodies change and has been super supportive during all these changes 😊

In the office, I’ve seen my husband (Dr. Ryan) adjust and care for many kids of all ages. He does this with passion and love and it’s really rewarding and fun to witness. I am extremely excited to watch him become a dad and care for our baby; he’s going the be the best!

Being married to a chiropractor while being pregnant has really made a positive impact during the last several months and helped make the whole process even better!

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