The Benefits of Receiving Chiropractic Care Throughout Pregnancy and Beyond

It’s not an uncommon sight to see expecting mothers in our office receiving Chiropractic care. The benefits of receiving Chiropractic care throughout pregnancy vary widely depending on the mother you talk to.

Not many people are even aware that Chiropractic care can make an enormous positive impact on the life of an expecting mother. Yes, the adjustment delivered to an expecting mother looks different than the adjustment given to dad or another family member. This is much like adjusting an infant looks different than the adjustment given to the parents. Here at Ryno Family Chiropractic we specifically use the Webster technique. This techniques focuses on the balance and harmony between the pelvis, ligaments, and uterus, as well as maintaining the nervous system; the vital communication network between mom and baby.

It is so important to be able to check for balance that is happening within an expecting mom’s body! When the body is in balance and in harmony it is able to grow, develop, and heal. All of those are extremely important when there’s a growing fetus in the uterus. Dr. Bruce Lipton states, “You can’t be in growth and protection at the same time.” This means if your body is not in balance and in harmony it is in a protective mode, one which is not good for mom or baby!

With all that being said, let’s see what mothers are saying about the benefits of receiving Chiropractic care throughout pregnancy.

  • Women under chiropractic care throughout their pregnancy had a 24% reduction in labor time.
  • Those giving birth for the 2nd or 3rd time reported a 39%  reduction in labor time.
  • 84% of women reported relief of back pain during pregnancy using Chiropractic care.
  • Another study revealed a 50% reduction in the need for analgesics.

Those numbers are all very impressive, but the most important result is a healthy baby. Our goal is to give children the opportunity to live to their full potential.  True prevention starts with a happy baby in the womb and the opportunity to correct would be interferences to the nervous system right after birth instead of waiting until they become adults.

Ryno Family Chiropractic looks forward to providing care to expecting mother and their entire family as they Charge Towards Health!

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