Here at Ryno family Chiropractic we know there are many activities you can do in order to increase your health. One thing that comes to mind is eating organic foods with a heavy emphasis on vegetables. Another is getting daily exercise whether it is at the gym, in a yoga studio, or outside at a local park! Yet another great way to increase your health is to work on it mentally. For example, meditation, visualization, and goal setting are great so you know and understand the direction you are going with your health.
So, how then does Chiropractic fit into this equation? Why am I suggesting it to be the foundation for which you build your health? The answer to this is quite simple and straight forward, because Chiropractic cares for the one system that runs everything I mentioned above. Chiropractic has a focus on the function and adaptability of your nervous system. The nervous system controls everything that happens in your body whether you think about it or not. Pretty dang crazy! That is why making Chiropractic care the foundation for your health is so crucial!
Can your digestive system properly handle and process all the organic food you are eating in the most effective way possible if your brain and intestines are sending jumbled messages?
Can you get the most out of your exercise if your brain is not communicating efficiently with your lungs, heart, and muscles?
Can you get the very best out of your meditation if that connection from your brain to your body is not focused?
Obviously, the answer is “No!”
See, when the nervous system becomes interfered with due to a vertebral subluxation of the spine, those messages from the brain to the body are not clear. That means you, as a whole, are not functioning to your greatest life potential. Luckily, I’m a Chiropractor I am trained to detect and correct the vertebral subluxations of the spine. With regular Chiropractic care your nervous system will start to function at its very best, thus creating a solid foundation for which to build your health!
Here at Ryno Family Chiropractic we go over the health goals you want to accomplish in our office. We also perform nervous system scans so we can start tracking the function of your nervous system over time. We go over both of these as we progress through care to make sue you are building a great health structure on your solid Chiropractic health foundation!
Always Charging Towards Health here at Ryno Family Chiropractic! (623) 432-2543 to schedule your appointment.