The 4 curves that most people don’t notice, unless you happen to be a Chiropractor are the neck, mid back, low back, and tailbone curves. These curves are quite important especially when looking at how they develop in kids.
Some of the following information may be shocking to you, but here we go.
When baby is still in moms belly and for a short time as a newborn the entire spine is a C-shape. This is called the primary curve; it’s pretty easy to understand since it is the first curve. Since it’s boring to only have 1 curve, the body starts to adapt and add another curve a short time later. As your little one starts holding their head up and doing tummy time, the neck curve starts to form. This is one reason why tummy time is every important. Tummy time brings about this curve, it builds muscle, and neurologically it is important for brain development.
Why stop there? Next the body wants to add another curve. As your baby is developing they start to sit (avoid those seats and bouncy things at all costs) and crawl. Let them do this on their own as much as possible because they start to develop muscles and the curves starts to form. I know walking is one of the most exciting milestones for a child to hit, but crawling is one of the best for brain development. Let them crawl for as long as they want! Look up information on the crawling! When they are ready they will start standing and walking. These activities will further develop their muscles and low back curve
The neck and the low back curve are call secondary curves; once again easy to understand!
We love curves! As you know the spine houses the spinal cord, a very important and delicate structure. When the spine has curves there is less tension and pull on that spinal cord. When the spine straightens out it creates tension on the spinal cord , which may effect the function of your entire body. Curves act like a shock absorber for the spine. They allow for some give instead of the lack of give when the spine is straight.
Ryno Family Chiropractic looks forward to maintaining your spine and optimizing the function of your nervous system to keep you as healthy as possible!
From the Ryno Family to your family keep Charging Towards Health!