I’m Expecting! When Should I See You?

You’re expecting! You’re expecting a boy, a girl, twin, or triplets! Congratulations!

I get this question all the time, “I’m expecting, when should I come to see you?” Most of the time expecting moms are wondering is there a point in time where it is too early to start under prenatal Chiropractic care? Is there a time that is too late? The correct answer to both of these questions is “There is no time like the present!”

If you are reading this you have likely heard of the Webster technique that we use in this office to take nerve system stress off your body and tension off the uterus. If you want more information on the Webster technique we covered it HERE.

So here’s the thing, these next 9 months are some of the most important minutes, hours, and days of your life. There is no time like the present to start maximizing the function of your body. Think about it, you likely started eating healthier, exercising more, and mentally preparing for your pregnancy long before you were even trying to conceive. All that is fantastic, but we can’t forget about that one thing that controls the process of growing and development for your child. It’s the communication from you to your growing baby. That communication happens through the nervous system of not only you, but your baby as well. Taking care of that nervous system through specific Chiropractic adjustment during pregnancy is awesome, but why not start that prior to conception as well?

Now, I do have expecting mothers start Chiropractic care at a varying time in their pregnancies, but one thing they have in common is if they would have known they would have started earlier!

From the Ryno Family to all the expecting Ryno Moms out there, keep Charging Towards Health!


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