Does Health Insurance Get, Make, or Keep you Healthy? Part 2 of a 3 Part Series

In part 2 of the 3 part series,I believe the question really comes down to, what does insurance pay for? Is insurance paying for the things that allow you to be as healthy as you can be, to go from surviving to thriving, from ordinary to extraordinary health? What are some of those things that take peoples health to that next level? Here are some I can think of. Gym memberships or crossfit, and actually taking the action step of going to the gym of course. How about a personal trainer to make those workouts more efficient? What about the price difference from conventional to organic food, which would be nice right! What about yoga classes, massage therapy, or acupuncture? Thinking outside the box here, but what about insurance paying for a juicer and blender so you can fuel your body with organic produced they chipped in for as well.

Here is the reality, health insurance is not paying for anything that makes you healthier. Nothing in your lifestyle that steps up your health game. Nothing that takes you from just healthy to extraordinary or elite health. You have to pay for this. When you have to pay for these, the value is there. You know that since you pay for it, you have to make the most out of it. Your financial investment for personal health gain.

Health insurance does a poor job at even chipping in for Chiropractic care as well. The insurance companies do not understand that receiving regular Chiropractic care increases immune system function by 200%. They do not understand that Chiropractic care is the integral missing link that increases everyone’s health potential from ordinary to extraordinary. This is one of the reasons why Ryno Family Chiropractic attracts people who want to make an investment in their health. Because people who pay for their care get the most they possibly can, it is of great value to them.

Does having health insurance make you healthier? No, health insurance is great for emergency situations as we mentioned in part 1 of this series. The good news is that your health and the health of your family is within your control. We make decisions every day to take our families health to new heights. Investing in health is the best investment that you can make. The truth is, you will pay for it either way. Making the little investments over time to stay healthy, or a huge lump sum to try and recover your health from sickness and disease. Ryno Family Chiropractic in Peoria, Arizona looks forward to taking your health to the next level, to elite status!

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