Does Health Insurance Get, Make, or Keep you Healthy? Part 3 of a 3 Part Series

In the finally of our 3 part series we ask the question, “Does having health insurance keep you healthy?” Another way to put it, “Is the health insurance you pay for continually contributing to you living the healthy life you have made for yourself?”

This is a very easy question to answer. The health insurance you have has yet to help you out on your journey to improve your health, to make your body elite. You are not rewarded by your health insurance company for taking proactive measures to get to this point. Obviously, they won’t start to contribute now.

It brings me back to the point I made in part 1 of this series. Should health insurance even be called health insurance? Some people would say that their health insurance helps pay for their prescription medications that keeps them healthy. This example actually helps me explain my point. Prescription drugs are not meant for long term use. They are supposed to be used to help you get out of a crisis situation so you can start to heal your body naturally. Many people may not like to hear this but, if you are constantly on a medication you’re sick, you’re diseased, and you’re not healthy. You have allowed a synthetic, man-made, toxic substance take over your body’s natural function because your body cannot perform correctly, hence you are not healthy. Covering up the symptoms does not make you any healthier, or in any way keep you healthy.

I have officially re-named health insurance; that’s right, it is now called crisis care insurance. With the slogan, “Great for crisis situation, terrible for a journey to health.”

Moral of the story here is that you are in control of your health. Be thankful that the insurance company doesn’t dictate your health, because you would be very unhealthy if they made that decision for you. Be thankful that you are in control of where you invest your time and money in your health. Be thankful that insurance companies don’t make you stop Chiropractic care after 12 visits because the real health benefits are just starting at that point. Be thankful that you can choose Chiropractic care as you and your family’s foundation for health, keeping your body running at peak performance. Now when you take those actions steps to exercise, eat healthy, and think positive you will receive the maximum benefit, knowing that your body is functioning at its best under regular Chiropractic care.

I hope you enjoyed our 3 part series on health insurance and we here at Ryno Family Chiropractic look forward to being your foundation as you Charge Toward Health!

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