It’s not only a health principle, it’s a way of life. The Easy-Hard vs. Hard-Easy health principle is easy to understand, but hard to put into action. When put into action in your life you will see a tremendous change for the better. You will find success, organization, enjoyment, fulfillment, and peace. So what is the Easy-Hard vs. Hard-Easy principle? This principle says there are two different ways to work. The first is the Easy-Hard. This process says to get by easy, don’t worry about the future, and put off the difficult work; then when the time calls for it do what needs to be done to make up for what wasn’t done to start with. The second is the Hard-Easy. This process says to put in time now, get work done right, and be prepared for the future. Then down the line everything difficult was done correctly and possibly only minimal work will be needed.
This may be a little vague so let’s get into some examples and this very important principle will make more sense. Once it is understood and the faster it is implemented, the better off you will be. Let?s start off with the most important example, your health and Chiropractic. From a patient’s perspective, often times the first time someone sees a Chiropractor is because they have neck or back pain. They end up going just few times because Chiropractic is very efficient reducing pain. Once they are out of pain they leave until the pain comes up again. This is an example of the Easy-Hard principle because there is only a reaction (get to the office) once the condition (pain) becomes unbearable. This is likely not the patients fault because most times the Chiropractor took the Easy-Hard in this situation as well. For example, they decided not to let you know about all the other life benefits of receiving regular Chiropractic care. They took your insurance that only semi-paid for some of your care (insurance is needed for crisis situation, not to keep you healthy) because they did not know how to communicate to you about Chiropractic. Then they let you leave just to go back to do the same thing in life and get back into pain; they really didn’t care for you. Sounds kind of like a waste of time and money for both the patient and Doctor to me, am I right? So, what is the better way to go about this? I believe it can be explained though the Hard-Easy principle. Let?s start with the Doctor because he/she is the one that provides the understanding of Chiropractic to the patient. The Doctor should put in the time and work, as well as providing information about how the pain can be addressed and the life enhancing benefits of care as well. This may be hard at the beginning, but the patient now knows about the care they are receiving and can make the best decision of incorporating Chiropractic care into their health routine. Hence, taking care of their health, making it a priority now so they set themselves up for a better life down the road. Now that is Hard-Easy at its finest! Now imagining if once the patient has a family, they would know about the benefits of Chiropractic care for their little one. They would start from an early age and put in the time and effort. In the end it will be easy for their child to grow up happy and healthy, a true Ryno Kid!
How else can this principle be applied in life? Eat whatever you want now like processed, chemically altered, frozen, fake, and/or convenient food now. Later in life have health trouble, chronic illness, and cancer and have to totally regain your health, which is super expensive, Easy-Hard. Eat live, organic, whole, non-processed food that may take time and knowledge to prepare now. Later in life be able to continue to eat all of these delicious foods and have your health to spend of unforgettable experiences, can anyone say vacation, travel, culture, Hard-Easy.
Sit on the couch be lazy, don?t get outside and be active, don’t go to the gym, watch lots of TV. Wait a few years, lose your health, feel lethargic and have to work five times as hard to regain your health because you lost so many years, Easy-Hard. Get to the gym even when you don?t think you have time, do a mud run/color run/5K/half marathon, train like an athlete constantly. Reap the benefits late in life when you are active with your grandkids and bring them in to get their regular Chiropractic care as well, Hard-Easy.
Take your relationship for granted now and pay the consequences later?Easy-Hard. Treat your relationship with high priority, listen, communicate now and live a beautiful peaceful life for years to come, Hard-Easy.
Remember, the nervous systems controls every function of your entire body. If it is not working at its best, the food you consume, the exercise you partake in is not optimal. Make sure your spine and nervous system on being checked regularly by a Chiropractor.
If you have more example of different ways to enhance your life through the Easy-Hard vs. Hard-Easy principle please leave a comment below.