It May be Common, but is it Normal?

Alright, lets have a little guessing game. It is estimated that 5 out of 6 kids will go through this by the time they are three years old. It is also the #1 reason a kid is taken to the pediatrician these days. If you have kids and they have gone through this you know how awful it is! In fact, you have probably already guessed what I’m taking about. Do you know what it is already?

If you guessed ear infections you would be right. This is the most classic case of what we call, “Common, but not normal.” Lets face it, 5/6 kids is way too many! There are also way too many kids who have recurrent ear infections. But why? The first place parents take their kids when they have an ear infection is the pediatrician. They are usually given an antibiotic without even culturing the ear to find out if it’s viral or bacterial (majority are viral). The antibiotic may eliminate the bacteria in the ear (if it’s bacterial), but it also destroys all the good bacteria in the digestive system. Since a lot of the immune system is in the digestive system the kid now has a depleted immune system. Low immune system = more ear infections.

I’ll give you 1 more “Common, but not normal” case!

C-sections! In the US about 1/3 of all births are c-section, which is fairly common, but when the healthiest populations have c-section rates of less than 10%, this can’t be normal! C-sections are designed for lifesaving situations, not to use “just because.” For more information on c-sections check out this blog, un-necessi-saraen section.

There are many other cases that can be classified as “Common, but definitely not normal!” Can you think of any? I can think of a few. Processed foods, GMO’s, and vaccinations are a few that come to the top of my head.

From the Ryno Family to your family, keep Charging Towards Health!

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