Lifting- Mobility and Stability All in One

We do it every day. Some of us do it for a job. Some of us do it as exercise. Some of us do it although we don’t want to. Lifting. Lifting is one of those activities that we don’t think about too often. Lifting groceries or a big bottle of laundry detergent. Lifting weights such as squats or bench press. Lifting boxes when you are helping a buddy move. What many people don’t realize is that lifting a a very profound activity that puts tremendous stress on the body.

What makes lifting such an important activity on the body? Lifting is tricky because it requires movement while at the same time being stable. You have to have both in order to accomplish your lifting task so you don’t end up hurting yourself.

Here are some great tips in order for you to be able to accomplish all lifting in your life without hurting yourself.

The first is to work on your core strength through exercise. One of the best exercises you can do for core strength is planks. There are many different variations of planks that you can do including side planks and planks with leg lifts. You always want to engage/tighten your core before you lift. This is more crucial as the weight of the object increases.

Next, being aware of the position of your back and spine. You shouldn’t have to arch and stretch your back in order to lift something. That will increase you chances of injuring your spine.

To go along with that, always remember to lift with your legs. Use your legs to get to the level you need to get to instead of bending with your spine.

Lastly, if something is too heavy for you to lift (not many guys are going to admit to this one) just get a partner to help you. It’s not worth hurting yourself especially over something silly, which is when injuries happen most of the time anyways.

From the Ryno Family to your family, remember these steps when you are lifting your beautiful children and keep Charging Towards Health!

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