Are Parents Raising Their Kids Towards Drugs in the Future?

I think back to the days when I was a young and impressionable and the days when I listened to my parents because they were my main resource to learning and growing. The days when they would say, “Be respectful to your elders. Make sure to open the door for that lady and gentleman. Eat all of your vegetables. Try your best in school. Do all of your homework. DON’T DO DRUGS.” Not only was the last one coming from your parents, but reenforced around school as well, but for now lets focus in on just the parents aspect. Young children are learning with every passing second, not only in what their parents are saying, but just as much with their parents actions. Kids learn what is right, wrong, common, normal, abnormal, nice, kind, mean, surprising, happy, sad, etc. from their parents actions and reactions to everyday situations.

So I ask, “Are parents setting their kids up for drug use in the future?” Lets take a hard look and explain what I mean by this very serious issue. Birth is a beautiful process. Birth in a hospital is much uglier! Let us think about some of the first processes that, unfortunately, occurs after birth. The nurse takes the baby from the parents who are willing to let their kids be injected with a vaccine. This babies first subconscious memory and thought is that injecting a substance into their body is okay. Now, I realize, when that baby grows up they won’t be able to recall that specific moment; however, it is still in their subconscious and they think it is okay. We won’t even get into the lack of science, toxic poisoning, neurological detriment, and flawed theory around vaccines in this blog.

All parents want their child to be healthy, but when parents do not understand the true definition of health, even more problems arise. Many symptoms are actually normal and correct reactions to keep the body healthy, such as sneezing, running a fever, or diarrhea. Parents, on the other hand, see these symptoms as something they need to get rid of. All too often the first response is to give their child a pill or colorful liquid to suppress the body’s natural immune response. There seems to be a pill for everything! All these kids know is that when something is “off”, even if it is a perfectly normal body response, that a pill, potion, or lotion can change it. The parents are conditioning their kids to “just take something.” Whether its a OTC drug or prescription drug, a drug is a drug, and they all have side effects, or what I like to call a direct effect (because every body is different and no one really knows how the body will respond).

Are these examples I give above a big deal? Do kids even know that they are being conditioned to take drugs at an alarming rate? Do the parents realize they are setting their kids up on a crash course to dependency? Are pharmaceutical drugs (OTC, prescription, vaccines) even a problem?

Yes, it is a big deal! No, kids don’t realize they are subconsciously being effected for the future by their parents choices! No, many parents don’t realize they are setting their kids up for a possible difficult future. Yes, the pharmaceutical industry is a massive problem!

Let’s look and see how large a problem this really is. The following information is just skimming the surface on the vast amount of information found in the book Death by Medicine. The most significant finding is that the American medical system is the leading cause of death and injury in the United States at 783,936 deaths/year. This figure is equivalent to six jumbo jets falling out of the sky each day. That is more than heart disease (699,697) and cancer (553,251). The number of people having in-hospital, adverse drug reactions (ADR) to prescribed medicine is 2.2 million. Dr. Richard Besser, of the CDC, said the number of unnecessary antibiotics prescribed annually for viral infections was 20 million. The number of unnecessary medical and surgical procedures performed annually is 7.5 million.The number of people exposed to unnecessary hospitalization annually is 8.9 million. Surely there are a tremendous amount more these medical errors that are not reported. It would be interesting to see what these numbers truthfully are!

WOW! Sounds like a problem to me and that’s only scratching the surface! It is a vicious cycle, drugs are drugs! Whether pharmaceutical or illegal, both are tremendously dangerous!

What may scare parents even more is what this subconscious, engrained, automatic process of taking drugs is and it being okay and normal may lead to. Needles are needles, vaccines and heroin are both inject-able. Which one is okay and which one is deadly. I see them both being toxic, dangerous, and deadly, such as, taking hits of albuterol (asthma inhaler) or taking a hit of one of many illegal smokable drugs. Do kids see this as much different? Both have dangerous and potentially additive effects on the body.

Are parents being hypocritical when they allow, and often time make their kids take drugs to rid of a symptom while at the same time telling them that drugs are bad? Are drugs that are approved by the FDA any more safe than illegal drugs? Remember, every drug that was ever recalled (a lot of them) was once approved by the FDA. Does the FDA have your best interests in mind or are they just looking to make money and have repeat customers? Is starting your kids on dangerous vaccines and other medications the FDA’s way of conditioning you as a parent to be a customer for life?

Is there another way? Of course there is! It all starts with knowledge, understanding, asking the question, “Why?”, and opening your eyes.

At Ryno Family Chiropractic we are always Charging Towards Health and, especially in this case, knowledge.


Null, Gary. Death by Medicine. Mount Jackson, VA: Praktikos, 2010. Print.

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