Your Ryno Grocery Store: Produce

A Chiropractor talking about food…what? I get many Ryno Family members with questions about health because as a Chiropractor, I’m part of one of the largest true health (not sick care) professions in the world. Food is one of the biggest topics and since there are all kinds of questions I thought I would keep this blog to some basic ground rules. I’ll add some things I look for and do in order to make the best food choices possible.

I like to start in the produce section. Produce looks to be a very simple topic as everything is one ingredient, but there are a couple important aspects to remember.

There are 3 different types of produce. Organic, conventional, and genetically modified organisms (GMO).

1. Organic is by far the best option all around. Organic produce is labeled with a unique code (the sticker) that always starts with the number “9”. For example, 94011 (organic bananas) or 94133 (organic gala apple). It is grown as close to the way nature intended it to grow. No added chemicals are used, it is good for the environment, and has the best nutritional value. When wanting to nourish your body, this option is the best bang for your buck!

2. Conventional produce is the next big step down as far as quality. Conventional produce has been sprayed with toxic pesticides, herbicides, insecticide, and fungicide. Not only are these bad for the produce and the environment, they reek havoc on the human body as well. Conventional produce has a 4 digit code on the sticker. For example, 4011 or 4133.

3. Lastly, GMO foods are not often sold in whole in the produce section (likely because no one would voluntarily buy them) but if they are, stay far, far away! Not only has this produce been sprayed with toxic pesticides, herbicides, insecticide, and fungicide, it has also had its DNA altered. Talk about foreign to the human body and autoimmune disease promoting! GMO produce will have the number “8” as the first number of the code. For example, 84011 or 84133. Often companies hide GMO ingredients in fast food and frozen food. Stay away, stay away! There is so much information on the dangers of GMO’s; it just takes a little research. Let’s hope The United States passes a law in order to label GMO food, like they have done in so many other countries.

Here at Ryno Family Chiropractic, we eat to live. We feed our body the best we possibly can. If you care for your body, it will care for you! Investing in yourself is the best investment you can make! Increase your energy, vitality, immune system, productivity and overall happiness by purchasing organic produce.

You live your life through your nervous system, the master system of the body. Everything you do in life is perceived and coordinated by your nerve system. Visiting your Chiropractor regularly maintains that nerve system so it functions at its optimum. With a properly function nerve system your body knows exactly what to do with all that organic food you’re eating. Thank you nervous system. Thank you Chiropractic!

Here are some examples of labels to look for in order to ensure you are eating the best food possible:


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