Chiropractor: Who Are They and What Do They Do?

When I was growing up I never saw a Chiropractor, which is kind of ironic since now at Ryno Family Chiropractic we have a focus on care for children. To be honest, I never knew what a Chiropractor did. I was a regular kid, busy playing sports and having fun. Once I heard about other people I knew going to see a Chiropractor I pretty much just thought they were going because they were in pain. It wasn’t until a late night chatting with my brother that sparked my interest in becoming a Chiropractor. After our great talk out on the porch I got on the dial-up internet and did quite a bit of my own research. It was that night that I decided to be a Chiropractor. Sure, I had just graduated high school, but now I would be going into college with a plan. The one interest that stuck out to me that night was that professional athletes were receiving care from a Chiropractor to help them stay healthy, heal faster, and perform at their greatest. That is what I was going to do when I become a Chiropractor…team Doctor for the Suns, Cardinals, or Diamondbacks!

Once I was in school to become a Chiropractor I realized I had a different calling than working for professional sport teams. My passion turned towards caring for families, with an emphasis on kids, pregnancy, and neurodevelopmental disorders. As a Chiropractor, I wanted to give families something that I was not able to receive as a kid, that chance to receive life enhancing adjustments. That chance to be as healthy as possible and always perform at my best.

So, as a Chiropractor what do I do?

  • Perform Chiropractic exams including orthopedic and neurologic tests.
  • Perform spinal nervous system scans, an awesome option here for the Ryno Family.
  • Taking and reading X-ray imaging.
  • Analyze and detect vertebral subluxations of the spine.
  • Deliver Chiropractic adjustments; of course this is by far my favorite!
  • Provide all kinds of health information which is pretty much unlimited. This is my chance to make people aware of health information that they may not get on a regular basis.
  • Perform re-exams to make sure we are progressing in care.
  • Observe the extraordinary healing process the body goes through when receiving Chiropractic care.
  • Run a business and be my own boss.

To sum it all up, a Chiropractor can be anyone who wants to help people live life to their greatest health potential by adjusting health diminishing vertebral subluxations of the spine! I can’t wait to see you in the office and if you know anyone who has an interest in becoming a Chiropractor I would love to meet them and let them see what I do in the office! As always here at Ryno Family Chiropractic we are Charging Towards Health. Will you join us? Call now and schedule an appointment (623) 432-2543.

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