Your car, your house, and your body…the one thing they all have in common is that an electrical system allows it to work properly. It is quite amazing to think that one system runs and controls every function of your body. As you know, that electrical system is known as your nervous system. It controls everything you do whether you think about it or not. What do I mean by that? There are functions of the body such as the immune response, digestion, heartbeat, breathing, blinking, etc. that we never have to think about, yet it all happens in a perfect harmony every second of the day. There are also functions that we have complete control over such as walking, running, lifting, winking, kicking, punching etc.
What makes up the nervous system you ask? The nervous system includes the brain, spinal cord, and all the nerves that go to every cell, tissue, and organ of the body.
If this system controls everything then how are you caring for your nervous system? Frequency is the key to health. Just like exercise, eating healthy, and getting quality sleep you must care for your nervous system frequently.
What is the best way to take care of your nervous system? Although I believe you already know the answer to this question…of course it is to see your Chiropractor regularly. Chiropractors understand the dynamic, intimate relationship between the spine and the nervous system. The benefits of regular Chiropractic care are numerous. At Ryno Family Chiropractic our greatest joys are seeing people start to understand that their body is powerful, achieving the health goals they set for themselves, and living their life to its maximum potential!