Come in for Low Back Pain, Stay for Health

If it wasn’t picking up the heavy boxing while moving, sitting too long in from of the computer, trying to impress your friends with a crazy trick, then it was the classic “swing for the fences during your adult softball game.” You and I both know countless number of people who suffer from dreaded, and often relentless, low back pain. More and more people are looking for more natural ways to help with the low back pain they are experiencing. They are seeking out Chiropractic more now than ever, and for good reason. Receiving Chiropractic adjustments is a great way to tap into the nervous system and give the body a better opportunity to heal itself. The low back pain you are experiencing may be happening because of a variety of reasons. One case is that the muscles of the low back area are in a tightened state, or a spasm, and won’t relax. This could have happened from over-exerting the muscles when they were not used to it. Another case could be an actual injury to the ligaments or the muscles has occurred, most likely from a physically traumatic experience. You could also be experiencing sharp pains that maybe running down the back of your leg. This is likely from some sort of irritation to the nerves of the low back area. There happens to be a common tread in each one of these scenarios, that is, the nervous system is telling you that you are in pain and that this pain is not normal.

It is very common for people to just take a pill and hide the pain, only to go on with their daily routine (because the pain is no longer bothering them) and end up injuring themselves even further. The difference with Ryno Family Chiropractic, in Peoria, Arizona is that we look for the cause of the problem. Like I said before, the common thread with all these cases is that the nervous system is involved. We will take an in-depth look at the relationship between the spine, muscles, ligaments, and nervous system. This will not only get you out of pain, but allow the rest of your body to start functioning better as well.

“So Doc, what do you mean when you say the rest of my body will start functioning better as well?” That is great question. The body is so complex and awesome that the nerves of the low back don’t just go to the muscles and ligaments of the low back. These nerves also control functions of the body such as the digestive system (your intestines), urinary system, and reproductive system. So you can see how if the nerves to the low back muscles were not functioning properly, how the nerves to these important organ systems may not be functioning properly as well.

Commonly our practice members, The Ryno Family, often report that a decrease pain is the first noticeable function change in the body, which is a great side effect to the adjustment. The Chiropractor is not focused on relieving your back pain, but that your body is functioning properly because that is the only way for your low back to heal. When you make your way into our office for low back pain, you will find that we have a focus on finding, analyzing, and specifically adjusting that areas of the spine that have nervous system interference. In the beginning many come for low back pain, but they stay because they see an overall increase in how their body is performing.

Here at Ryno Family Chiropractic we look forward to seeing you in the office and giving you the opportunity to get out of pain and Charging Toward Health. We look forward to any of your questions below.


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