Horizontal Eustacian Tubes and Ear Infections

ear infections“Have you seen Gabe playing with his ear?” “He seems to be pulling at it, too?” “Has he seemed a little fussy to you lately?” “He has been up all night crying, I think there may be something going on.”

It seems that nearly every new parent you talk to has or had a kid with an ear infection. If it’s not their kid then they know other family’s whose kids deal with chronic ear infection. Once I have gotten an opportunity to talk to these parent, I often find out that it’s not the first time their child has experienced an ear infection. The next thing that is usually told to me is how the ear infection was taken care of. All too often I run across families who talk about the rounds of antibiotics the child has been on that have not seemed to work. Next they talk about the possible holes and ear tube surgery that might need to come next; the last thing a parent want to do is put their child through surgery.

Whether you are the are the parent with the child or the one always hearing about other kids who get chronic recurrent ear infection there are a few things you need to know. The antibiotics that are given to the child are not going to work. Let me explain, recurrent infections will persist because the antibiotic (not specific for the bacteria in the ear) kills all the good bacteria (mostly in the gut) lowering the natural immune defenses in the body and leaving it more susceptible to the next infection; whether it is in the ear or not. Second, the horizontal Eustachian tubes are not the reason the ear infections are happening. Movement, movement, movement stimulates the process of fluid drainage in the ear. Movement of the ear and Eustachian tube comes directly from the neck. When there is lack of movement in the upper cervical (neck) spine, fluid is most likely to stagnate, build up and attract bad bacteria. Chiropractic adjustments are not only safe, gentle, and effective, but they maintain movement in the spine of the child having the ear infections. This movement allows for the opportunity for proper drainage to occur. Not only is that, but the added benefit of the adjustment allows the nervous system that innervated the ear structures to function properly. Getting checked by a Chiropractor is of great importance in everyday life and certainly if someone you know has ear infections. We look forward to seeing you in the office and helping you through this tough situation. The best way to help a loved one is to tell them about the importance of Chiropractic care.

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