Your Body IS Good Enough…A Chiropractic Story

I don’t think anyone has ever told you how amazing and powerful your body really is; it will be my pleasure to be the first one to tell you. Your body has an inborn ability to self-regulate, self-heal, and self-adapt to its surrounding environment. So what does it take? All it takes is for you to get your regular Chiropractic adjustments and live a healthy lifestyle. This whole philosophy may be new to you so I’ll start with something you are used to.

Modern day medicine sees your body as inferior, as not good enough to deal with everyday health challenges…you have a fever then take this, you have any health challenge there is a pill for it, chicken pox are so scary you should get a toxin filled vaccine. Does this really make sense when you step back and really take a hard look at it? Don’t get me wrong, modern medicine saves many lives every day, and I am thankful for it. It’s just that, though, I believe a better term for modern medicine is “crisis care” and should never, never ever be confused with “health care.”

Here is an example, when you have a pile of garbage you end up having rats in the garbage. It’s just inevitable that the rats like to live and breed in that kind of environment. So we have a rat problem??? How do you suppose we deal with it? I have 2 solutions, let’s go through them to see which one makes more sense. Number 1 will be to spray, drug, inject, and/or radiate them to kill them off. This leaves you with no rats at the current moment and a now hazardous pile of garbage. Since the garbage is still there eventually the rats return and you have to start the cycle all over. Seems like the person hired to kill the rats over and over will be making a lot of money. Number 2 will be to clean up the garbage all together. Consequently, with no garbage, rats will leave because there is nothing to eat, on top of that no poisons that had to be used. This may take a little extra time and effort, but it will be well worth it in the long run.

I can give this example in many different ways, we could talk about bacteria, viruses, fungi or anything else you can think of, but for this example let’s pick a simple bacteria. We all have heard of strep throat, supposedly cause by the strep bacteria (more specifically group A beta-hemolytic streptococcus, so they say). The thing about this bacteria is that it is always around in our bodies, in our throat. So why do you sometimes show health challenges that appear like strep throat and sometimes you do not? Could these health challenges/symptoms be the way your body is communicating to you that something has to change? Let’s go ahead and relate this back to the last paragraph.

Say you don’t take care of your body, you don’t get your regular Chiropractic adjustments, you don’t eat healthy food, exercise is non-existent, and your stress levels are high. To put it simply you have a lot of garbage built up in your body. Because of all this garbage built up in your body the strep bacteria/rats are able to congregate and proliferate, they really like this environment remember. The mainstream medical approach would be to give you antibiotic…drugs. This will kill off a lot of the strep bacteria/rats (not to mention all the good bacteria in your digestive system that is one of the most important parts of your immune system) while putting toxic, poisonous chemicals in your body. Once that happens you may feel better even if you ingested all those toxic drugs, but since your body is still in its “garbage” state, the bacteria will have another chance to congregate and proliferate. Sounds to me like a vicious cycle that the drug companies know will make them a lot of money because the focus on the symptoms/rats and not the cause/garbage/environment. I have good news though, there is another way to go about this all together! Let’s work to clean up the environment within your body! Let’s get rid of the garbage all together, this way the bacteria can’t congregate and proliferate out of control.

I guess the important take away here is that it is not the seed (bacteria, virus, etc.) it’s the soil (your body’s environment) that determines whether you are healthy or not. For our example, I am saying that strep bacteria does not cause strep throat, a garbage filled body does. In the beginning I said “So we have a rat problem” when in actuality the rats/bacteria were never the problem. It was the environment/body that was the problem.

So what can we do to keep our body healthy? You didn’t think I was going to give you all this amazing information and not tell you how you can apply it, did you? First, get to Ryno Family Chiropractic and get your spine checked and adjusted. Individuals under regular Chiropractic have a 200% greater functioning immune system. It is also important to eat real food trying to eat colorful, live foods and staying away from processed foods. Getting exercise as often as you can, having a good night sleep, not taking pharmaceutical drugs/vaccines, and keeping a positive mental attitude all contribute to good health as well.

Your body IS good enough, it was given everything it needs, it is designed to thrive, it can self-adapt, regulate, and heal, and it will take care of you as long as you take care of it. Invest in your body, your health, and your future. We look forward to seeing you at Ryno Family Chiropractic and being the foundation for which you can Charge Toward Health. If you have questions regarding this blog please post it below.

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