Get Your Workout on While at Work

What do you do at work? Do you sit all day? Do you get to stand or walk around? Maybe you’re a personal trainer and you get to workout. Well that would be great, but…

The vast majority of people have the unfortunate un-pleasure of sitting most of their day. Did you know sitting is now considered a disease? It is one of the most terrible, damaging activities for the spine.

With that being said there are a few steps you can take in order to make work more enjoyable and healthier for you, your spine, nervous system, and body. Today we will focus on your at work exercise routine or lack there of. I’m going to give you this example, but have fun with it and incorporate any and all exercises you want! Share your routine in the comment section below!

This routine is especially important if you’re at your desk all day. If you can do this at least every 30 minutes that would be fantastic!

  • 10 air squats.
  • 10 side bends.
  • 10 forward and backward arm circles.
  • 30 second stretches of the hamstrings and quads.
  • 10 lunges.

Talk about a great return on your 3 minute exercise investment! Movement is so crucial to the health of your nervous system. See, it’s the health of your nervous system that dictates the health of your body. Chiropractic is the foundation to your health because of its direct relationship with the spine and nervous system.

This office workout is crucial to getting the most out of your Chiropractic care. Remember little hinges swing big doors.

From the Ryno Family to your family, keep Charging Towards Health!


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