What do legends Joe Montana, Emmitt Smith, Jerry Rice and countless other Super Bowl Champions have in common? All these athletes utilized regular chiropractic care to achieve the pinnacle of NFL football. Every single team in the NFL has a Chiropractor on their staff who ensures that players are able to perform at their very best week in and week out. We’ve all seen videos of the past NFL uniforms, the players pounded their bodies with minimal protection until they became cripples and their careers ended. Now a days these bigger, faster, and stronger athletes have much better protection, but the physical nature of the game has also become brutal on their bodies. These three superstars combated the immense physical stress with regular adjustments. Chiropractic is now the norm as almost every professional and Olympic athlete have chosen to make Chiropractic care a core part of their training programs and lifestyle. In fact many of the leaders of the Olympic sports medicine team today are Chiropractors.
The new generations of young athletes are now learning from the pros and they are seeking out Chiropractic care as a part of their training in record numbers. Little League baseball, pee-wee and tackle football, AAU basketball, and club soccer as well as cheer, gymnasts and even members of the marching band are realizing that taking care of the spine and a healthy nervous system is important for a properly functioning body, good health, great immune system (so they don’t miss those days of practice or the big game) and to ensure your highest level of performance. These athletes are not waiting for an injury, they are taking the proper steps to keep their body’s functioning at their best. If you’re an athlete, go to the gym, participate in cross fit, or any other exercise programs, be like these Hall of Fame and Super Bowl Champions. Make Chiropractic care part of your health routine.